Monday, August 27, 2012

Spelling Words Week 1

This is our first week of spelling! :) Your child will be coming home with a pink list today of spelling words that they have written and gotten a sticker on their page. We will be taking a pretest on Wednesday.  If they get a 100%, they don't have to take the regular word test on Friday! But they will recieve a challenge word list on Wednesday that they can study for their test on Friday!  As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :) Thank you!

Here are this weeks words:
1. would
2. great
3. next
4. never
5. while
6. one
7. there
8. think
9. with
10. might
11. been
12. small
13. because
14. along
15. sound
16. little

Also, don't forget to check out our spelling tab here on our blog for the schools spellingcity page that your child can play games to help review their spelling words!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Class Wordle

Yesterday in class we thought about words that would descibe Inman Primary School.  There is an awesome website called wordle that you can go in and chose what font, color, and direction that you want your words to go.  Here is our wordle that we created about our wonderful school.  Look for one about your child to come home in the near future.  We are going to make some wordles about ourselves then hang them in the hallway outside our room.  But we will make sure to send a copy home so you can see them too!

Wordle: tigers